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42 - Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Ek is n energieke mens, wat lus is vir die lewe en volluit lewe elke dag. Hou van diere en buitelug.


58 - Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Omrede ek n oopboek en gemaklike persoon is om mee oor die weg te kom en will graag sien wat daar buite is vir...


54 - Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa

Ek is oulik. Ek hou van lekker kosse mense en diere, Ek is n natuur mens en wil graag die hele Suid Afrika...


56 - Alberton, Gauteng, South Africa

Ek is jonk van gees, hou van die buite lewe, sport, familie rn baie belangrik om die vrou in mh lewe baie...


42 - Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Wel, ek love om met my hande te werk en tyd in die natuur te geniet. Ek love dit Om te lag en ander te laat lag...


46 - Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

I'm awesome, the whole package, I want to meet my Husband. I'm a chilled, loving, want-it-all kind of person,...

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Success Stories

Based on our profiles we were not the best match. But I liked him 1st and he liked me back and messaged me and as they say the rest is history. I was skeptical about finding love online. But I found the love of my life here in less than a month. Thanks.
Tenda, 01 June 2023
I found someone from this site and we have so much in common. I met her in person today. We are getting engaged, I feel it in my heart. Thank you!
Clint, 04 December 2023
Thank you . I am speaking to a wonderful, beautiful lady . I am sure we will would good friends for now.
Ron, 04 December 2023